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- Tyler Atkinson
- Abimael (“AJ”) Bastida
- Beverly Bergstrom
- Laura Diaz
- Marwa Elzankaly
- William Faulkner
- Juan Carlos Luna-Bojalil
- James McManis
- James O’Donnell
- Miriam Pieters
- Elizabeth Pipkin
- Brandon Rose
- Matthew Schechter
- Tianqi Michael Sun
- Priya Swaminathan
- Michael Warren
- Hilary Weddell
McManis Faulkner successfully implemented the work of vocational experts and work efforts orders to show that the supported spouse was malingering and not actively seeking re-employment. Experts were used to assess the spouse’s earning capacity. The experts’ reports and testimony demonstrated specific activities the spouse should have performed to become self-supporting. The spouse’s failure to follow the Court’s orders and recommendations of the vocational experts resulted in the client paying a modest support award with termination of support in three years.