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- Tyler Atkinson
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- William Faulkner
- Juan Carlos Luna-Bojalil
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- James O’Donnell
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- Hilary Weddell
The client had a surgical repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The client chose an implant manufactured by Guidant Corporation, the Ancure Endograft. Two years later, he suffered a life threatening ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm resulting from complications caused by the device. McManis Faulkner filed suit against Guidant Corporation and related defendants. The complaint alleged that the client was misled by defendants’ marketing materials regarding the risks of the procedure. The complaint further alleged that the defendants failed to give adequate warnings of undisclosed dangers and latent defects. As a result, the client suffered physical and mental damage and incurred large medical bills. The defendants filed three motions for summary judgment. McManis Faulkner successfully defeated all. As a result, clients were able to obtain a substantial confidential settlement.