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- Tyler Atkinson
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- Hilary Weddell
After 17 years of marriage, the wife arrived home one afternoon to find her husband’s personal belongings in a moving truck. The wife was suspicious of the husband’s financial management during their marriage. To determine whether he had diverted assets, McManis Faulkner prepared and served significant discovery. Through this process, it was found that the husband opened new accounts during the marriage in his mistress’ name and transferred community funds into this “firewall” account. McManis Faulkner traced these funds to community sources and obtained an order that he repay the client everything that was rightfully hers.
In the same case, McManis Faulkner traced a reimbursement claim for the client related to a separate property inheritance that the parties had used for the down payment on the family residence. The parties were nearly divorced a decade ago, but decided not to go through with it. The client’s attorney from a decade ago never discovered her right to these significant funds, but McManis Faulkner was able to trace them and provide her with a much-needed nest egg for her new life.