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- Tyler Atkinson
- Abimael (“AJ”) Bastida
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- Hilary Weddell
Our client, a middle-aged person with a clean record, faced a challenging situation when a relative made unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct that prompted a legal inquiry. From the outset, our client vehemently denied the accusation, and was deeply distressed by its implications. Notably, there were no witnesses to support the allegation, nor any other corroboration. Nonetheless, the prosecution initiated proceedings, and our client was charged with multiple serious offenses.
As the criminal case progressed, the allegations proved to be false. Nevertheless, the prosecution attempted to coerce our client into accepting a plea deal that would have had lifelong implications. We steadfastly declined this offer, and for months, demonstrated our unwavering commitment to taking the case to trial.
Days before the scheduled start of trial, the prosecution dropped the case in its entirety, resulting in the complete exoneration of our client of all charges.