Partner Michael Warren is quoted in the Lawyers and Settlements article, “The Gig Economy v. Assembly Bill 5,” discussing the various challenges to AB 5 since the bill was signed into law in Sept. 2019. These challenges include a ballot initiative that would put the worker classification issue before California voters and a lawsuit arguing the law is unconstitutional and unenforceable.
Regarding the initiative, called the California App-Based Drivers Regulations Initiative, Mike says, “It's still unclear whether the initiative will make it onto the ballot or if it will pass.” It may appear on the ballot in California on Nov. 3.
Regarding the Olson v. California lawsuit, Mike reviews why the judge denied the plaintiffs’ request for an injunction on AB 5, saying, “According to the judge, Uber and Postmates did not establish the level of harm necessary to justify a preliminary injunction to halt application of the law during the lawsuit.”
To read the full article, visit Lawyers and Settlements.