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- Find an Attorney
- Tyler Atkinson
- Abimael (“AJ”) Bastida
- Beverly Bergstrom
- Laura Diaz
- Marwa Elzankaly
- William Faulkner
- Raechele Jang
- Juan Carlos Luna-Bojalil
- James McManis
- James O’Donnell
- Miriam Pieters
- Elizabeth Pipkin
- Brandon Rose
- Matthew Schechter
- Tianqi Michael Sun
- Priya Swaminathan
- Michael Warren
- Hilary Weddell
Real Property
Real Property transactions and ownership may result in complex and difficult disputes between buyers and sellers, commercial landlords and tenants, construction companies and owners, and neighbors.
McManis Faulkner attorneys represent public and private companies and individuals in lease disputes, defective construction cases, claims of misrepresentation and nondisclosure in sales of real property, and lot-line and easement disputes. We bring the same level of preparation to pre-litigation resolution of these matters as we do to resolving cases through resort to the courts.