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- Find an Attorney
- Tyler Atkinson
- Abimael (“AJ”) Bastida
- Beverly Bergstrom
- Laura Diaz
- Marwa Elzankaly
- William Faulkner
- Juan Carlos Luna-Bojalil
- James McManis
- James O’Donnell
- Miriam Pieters
- Elizabeth Pipkin
- Brandon Rose
- Matthew Schechter
- Tianqi Michael Sun
- Priya Swaminathan
- Michael Warren
- Hilary Weddell
Divorce can involve serious financial and emotional issues. McManis Faulkner attorneys understand that every issue in a divorce is important to everyone involved. We advise clients about the ways California divorce laws apply to their particular situations and work closely with clients to determine the dispute resolution process that is best suited to their case, including negotiation, mediation, and litigation in public court or before a private judge. When appropriate, we collaborate with other professionals, such as forensic accountants, business valuators, appraisers, and psychologists. Our ultimate goal is to obtain a fair, practical resolution while minimizing the emotional impact on the entire family.