- Find an Attorney
- Tyler Atkinson
- Abimael (“AJ”) Bastida
- Beverly Bergstrom
- Laura Diaz
- Marwa Elzankaly
- William Faulkner
- Juan Carlos Luna-Bojalil
- James McManis
- James O’Donnell
- Miriam Pieters
- Elizabeth Pipkin
- Brandon Rose
- Matthew Schechter
- Tianqi Michael Sun
- Priya Swaminathan
- Michael Warren
- Hilary Weddell
Assisting as Neutrals
In many cases, the firm’s lawyers are asked to assist other law firms and their clients, serving as discovery referee, early neutral evaluator, private settlement judge, or mediator and arbitrator.
At McManis Faulkner, we have a wealth of experience in dispute resolution by alternative means, acquired from more than 30 years of successfully bringing parties to the table in a variety of cases. Our skills and acumen have earned the respect and trust of our peers and judges, which has resulted into numerous referrals to the firm. With senior partners as mentors, other firm attorneys have become well-schooled in the practice of ADR. And, as evidence of the respect the bench accords, McManis Faulkner partners are frequently asked to serve as judges pro tem at mandatory settlement conferences, held before trial.